Analysis Of Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

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Dylan Thomas wrote the poem, “Do not go gentle into that good night” Thomas wrote this poem about his father, who was very ill at the time. In the poem Thomas is telling his father to fight his illness and stay alive even if that means he’ll, Thomas, have to keep on hearing the screams and deal with the verbal abuse. The poem is rich in figurative language making the effect in general is to detail death metaphorically as the end of a day and as a result to make known death and reduce its danger. Thomas gives a variety of examples of people who would most likely agree to death gently. He expresses that only a few men are willing to fight for more time in this life and those men would be: the "Wise men" who want more time because their understanding has not shaped any change fundamental things and would like to be remembered for something in their …show more content…

He then moves on to men who do good works, saying that they’ll look to the past and recognize that the total of their efforts was "frail" and if they would’ve stayed loyal and spent more time to a specific field their performance might’ve been more effectual. Thereafter, "Wild men” who he really means artist and untamed people who give their words to the winds to let them be known he states that their liberated words have stucked and frozen time at their prime but after a while for hanging out too much with specific people or due to addictions they dropped the ball and would then realize too late that they would like to get back at it. Lastly, solemn men at the end of their journeys comprehend too late that delight is one way of surpassing time. Thomas expresses that these groups go through some form of intelligence that makes them regret wasted time and wish they could extend life and live existence according to their new views of the world that was revealed to them by their present

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