New Criticism of Dylan Thomas' Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

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When discussing the different aspects of New Criticism in Dylan Thomas’s poem “Do Not Go Gentle into The Good Night”, the impression that comes to mind is death. The use of imagery was a necessity for Dylan Thomas to express the different techniques of writing which involved a mixture of surrealistic and metaphysical tones. His ability to change a words meaning to incorporate symbolism is noticeable in circle of unity from life to death and renewed life.
The Author presents the poem in a narrative argumentative point view from a son to his dying father upon his final moments. The imagery and symbolism of the Thomas’s reflections on his feelings of childhood and death become evident the approach the poem through psychological analysis. Thomas is addressing his father from the perspective of why he should fight death, giving valid reasons that the father cannot refuse. The imagery and symbolism show the connection between nature and the soul, whereas psychological aspects of Dylan Thomas’s life must be evaluated from his relationship with his father.
Dylan Thomas was born in 1914 of intellectual parents both being literature professors. Long before he could read, his father would recite poetry from classic authors. Many of his poems can be traced to the illustrated style of D.H Lawrence. The imagery he provides of disparity and death in many of his poems. In the span of Dylan’s life, he witnessed both Great Wars. The first war may have been the main topic of discussion by his parents at childhood. And later at service in the air defense over London. Because of his determined health Thomas was not able to enroll in an active combat role during World War II. Thomas life’s experiences played a major role in influencing his writing...

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...ues. The body of symbolism indicates Thomas’s changing view between the writer and his environment and outward look of the relationship with his own children. The use of surrealism provides a vivid image of his life’s despair. Though the poem can be analyze and evaluated from all of the different methods of criticism. The text within the verses indicates that the evaluation of the author is indicative to the psychological critical approach.

Works Cited

“A Study of Dylan Thomas’s Poetry.” Journal of Humanities and Social Science ISSN: 2279-0845 Volume 1, Issue 2 (Sep-Oct. 2012), PP 06-10
Dylan Thomas. “Do Not Go gentle into That Good Night”. ENGL 200: Composition and Literature. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011:106-108. Web. 9 December, 2013
“Dylan Thomas.” Academy of American Poets April 21st, 2010.

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