Analysis Of Aesthetic Economy By Sander Kadajane

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Aesthetic Economy Sander Kadajane For some time, I have been fascinated by the question of value. Not only economic value, but also aesthetical – and the connection between them. How is aesthetic value defined and recognized? Where does its value come from? When it comes to aesthetics, weird things happen in economy. For example – one of the most valuable mobile phone application, „Instagram“, was sold (to Facebook) for $1 Billion in 2012. The application is basically offering different photo filters which should emulate aesthetics of different old and nostalgic cameras. It does not improve the quality of the actual picture, but still, somehow, seems to give it more value. Rationality is clearly not the first and most important aspect …show more content…

For businesses, aesthetics (designing interiors, identity etc.) is not a matter of esoteric art theory anymore – it is the way we communicate through our senses, the art of creating reactions without any words. Aesthetics is the way for us to make the world special. Successful businesses understand that aesthetics is more pervasive than it used to be – it is not restricted to a social, economic or artistic elite; not limited to only a few specific industries. It is not for communicating with power and wealth only. The huge global competition nowadays may drive down the prices, but it also raises expectations - not just and only for service, function, and reliability, but also for sensory experience. The look and feel increasingly drives economic value. Aesthetics and style have become a critical source of economic value and product identity. The desire for interesting, enjoyable and meaningful sensory experiences is everywhere around us. The lion’s share of the theories in regards to aesthetic values appears in the context of (classical) art and paintings. Using these theories as the base of my essay is still relevant, I believe, for the reason that the examples of modern aesthetic subjects, their values and unpredictable market behaviors brought forth above - vinyl records, Instagram apps and cameras – belong to the field of senses, …show more content…

The idea that esthetic perception is an affair for odd moments is one reason for the backwardness of the arts among us. The eye and the visual apparatus may be intact; the object may be physically there, the cathedral of Notre Dame, or Rembrandt's portrait of Hendrik Stoeffel. [...] But for lack of continuous interaction between the total organism and the objects, they are not perceived, certainly not esthetically [...] For to perceive, a beholder must create his own experience. And his creation must include relations comparable to those which the original producer underwent. [...] Without an act of recreation the object is not perceived as a work of art.“ (Dewey, 1958) We were not blessed with this capacity by nature to produce art. It seems that we could never find our way in this world if we were not adapted to relationships and dialogues. The pleasure extracted from the constructed activities involved in relating to a work of art we should pay attention to the fact that these activities are involved in all cases of perception, not only of paintings, poems and books but also of random objects and environments – halls, tools, buildings and

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