Analysis Of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf

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Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf was a racist book that expressed Adolf Hitler’s hatred for Jews and Communists and should have never been written because it expresses many false ideas and it helped rile the people into an anti-Semitic opinion.
Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf should not have been written because it is very discriminatory against the Jews. Hitler’s stance on Jews is that all Jews are inferior to everyone else. This is not true because Jews have accomplished many things. A mighty accomplishment of the Jews is having a religion that has lasted more than a millenium. They also have written many great novels which are considered classics today. When Hitler was writing Mein Kampf, the Jews had many great accomplishments, but for some unknown reason Hitler had a great hatred for Jews and all their work. Without Judaism, the world as we know it would not exist because of Judaism’s great impact on the world. At the time of Adolf Hitler, some of the best minds in the world were Jews. The Jews were particularly good in the arts, such as writing, and they were also good at mathematics such a...

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