An Evaluation on the Different Scenes within the Movie Color Purple

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(An Evaluation on the different scenes within the movie Color Purple)
Life is defined by moments and humans are defined by life. We aren’t defined in the sense of how we react to the problems that arise when it comes to our life. Some people are strong and fight. They fight for their life and for all that they stand for. They never give up and will be confident. They still have trials and problems, but they know how to make it through the trials without it controlling them. On the other hand there are the people that don’t know how to fight. All their life they have been given trials that have controlled their lives, but now they have no way to escape. Instead of fight they let everything pass them by. Instead of facing their problems they just pretend it isn’t happening. Their challenge controls them. Celie knows that there are people who fight. Her sister, Nettie fought, but she has no fight in her. It died when every person she loved was taken away. She now has no reason to fight. She wants to live and the only way to live is to be passive and survive. Being passive is all that she can do, until being passive will destroy her. Within the text Color Purple there are three pivotal scenes for Celie, when she meets Shug, while reading the letters from her sister and when she has her own shop.
When Shug enters Celie’s life it becomes a pivotal moment in the movie Color Purple. Shug enters Celie life at a time when all Celie is, is a shell of who she should be. Celie is looking for some way meaning to life. Some way to escape the life she lives in. Shug becomes her escape. Unknown to Celie, they are similar. They are both facing struggles and challenges. Celie found a reason to fight. She realized that world held wonderful things...

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... they give a little fight. They can find peace and love if they believe in themselves.
Moments in life make up a person as scenes make up a movie. Celie had to suffer all her life. She gave up on some of the joys that family could have brought. She was abused and beaten because of the way she looked. No one looked underneath to see what she had to offer. Her sister knew, but she was taken away and Shug also learned, but she never stayed. It wasn’t until Celie understood her worth that it made a difference. Once, Celie knew she could do anything she wanted, that was when she made a difference. She chose a better life and became something. She became something without the help of the people that hated her. When we fight, fight for our rights and freedoms that is when we can become something that others envy. We have to love ourselves before someone can truly love us.

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