An Analysis Of Troy Maxson's Fences

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Most young college student who graduate often have difficulty finding work after graduation. The students go to school for many years and graduate from school with no clue on where to work and how to find work. Receiving advice from someone who knows the struggle of finding and keeping a job could be the best step you take into finding a job, because they know all the in’s and out’s as they have lived through it. Troy Maxson, of the classic American play, Fences, was always one who was dedicated to working hard to make a living. If a recent college graduate took advice from Troy Maxson, they would very much find, keep, and prosper in their career. Taking advice from Troy would teach them all the do’s and don’ts of finding a job. Troy Maxson …show more content…

That way you have something can’t nobody take away from you,” (Act I Scene III) would also get a recent graduate to a successful job. Taking this advice would help you to go to college and get a degree which increases the chances of receiving a successful job. “Companies want the smartest people, and the best indicators for new employees competing in a knowledge-based economy are grades,” says Johnny C. Taylor Jr., senior vice president of human resources for the InterActiveCorp. Generally jobs choose someone with a degree and high grade point average over someone who has played a sport. Mr. Taylor also says, “The factor that matters most is a graduate’s grade-point average” Although Troy’s advice of not worrying about being liked could create a hostile work environment, it should not be the only thing you are concerned about. You want to be likable but not strive to be liked and have it be all you are worried about. According to Huffington Post, “You’ve got to assert yourself to be seen and heard so you can be recognized for the great work you are accomplishing. Nobody ever earned kudos on a performance evaluation for being nice,” this would be where getting your “book-learning” would come in handy and even possibly make you star

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