An Analysis Of The Story 'Hills Like White Elephants'

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1. Who is the main character? Does this person’s character change during the course of the story? Do you feel sympathetic toward the main character? What sort of person is she or he? Does this character have a foil?
The main character of the story “Hills like White Elephants” is the American’s girlfriend, Jig. She is very indecisive and changes her mind constantly throughout the story. I feel sympathetic towards her because she has to make a big decision and she does not have support from her family or her boyfriend. The character does not have a foil.
2. What pattern or structure is there to the development of the plot? Can you describe the way the events are organized? Is the structure significant to the meaning?
The development of the plot starts with an exposition phase, …show more content…

They are at the railway station, which means they are travels and are on their way to somewhere else. This information is important to understand the rest of the story; however, the author could use another time. the place is something that he could not because he would change and make the story with a different meaning.
7. Describe the atmosphere of the story, if it is important. How does the author create this atmosphere?
The description of the location and the outside were one of the most important aspect of this story. When the girl Jig who were looking outside tells the America that those hills “The look like white elephants.” She wants to make the American thinks about their problems.
8. Who narrates the story? Is the narrator reliable? What effect does the point of view have on your understanding of the story? What would be gained or lost, if the story were told from a different point of view (for example, by another character)
This story tells in third person which of course makes the story easy to understand. I think this point of view always recreate the moment, which make it very

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