An Analysis Of The Perfect Knight In The Song Of Roland

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In the Song of Roland, ideal characteristics of a knight are identified mainly with having skill as a horseman and fighting on the battlefield. The idea of an armored knight is closely descended from the equites class of Rome. Knights were closely tied to the various fiefdoms and to the church. A knight was expected to have courage, honor, selflessness, respect, honesty, and many other characteristics of how a perfect knight was seen such as Roland, Oliver, and Thierry in the Song of Roland. Many knights were of course not perfect but in the Song of Roland Roland, Oliver, and Thierry are perfect knights because they have a strong devotion, and are respectful. Roland showed very little selfishness throughout the epic. He never fought for his own glory, and was always to the aid of his comrade. A large example of how Roland is selfless was when Roland vialiantly tried to fend off the ambush so that Charlemagne will not have to turn back and risk the lives of more troops. Throughout the fight, Roland and his band of knights continually avenge the loss of one of their own. Roland says “May God in heaven and his angles forbid that the fame of France should be diminished because of me! I would rather die than be brought to shame. The Emperor’s love …show more content…

The Song of Roland inherently is an epic about the values of knights. The courage, selflessness, respect, honor, and devotion are key characteristics of Roland, Oliver, and Thierry. Lord and vassal relationship occupied a significant place in the chivalric code: and Roland, Oliver and Thierry serve as examples of faithful vassals, who primarily things about his promise to serve the king. Indeed the honor of the knight lies in allegiance to his word and valor. Thus, Roland, Oliver, and Thierry put all of their lives on the altar of serving their

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