Amazing Amy Elliott Dunne Essay

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Do a character study exploring the personality traits on one character in particular including how these qualities have changed in the section you are studying? (Chapter 30-33) Amy Elliott Dunne Amy Elliott Dunne is not exactly what her parents, Marybeth Elliott and Rand Elliott wrote about in their best selling book series, “Amazing Amy”. As a kid, Amy found it astonishing that everyone began to love the fictional character displayed as her. Making a decision that changed her life, Amy chooses to become, the most beloved fictional character, “Amazing Amy”. Throughout many years, she became a perfectionist who can never be caught in an act with flaws, The cool girl; who did whatever she wanted without being judged. Amy was an understanding woman with a personality of pure gold, also known as the “it” girl; the woman every man dreamed about. By chapter 30, a surreal twist approaches the audience, as the presumably dead “Amazing Amy”, is fully living as none other than her true self, “Avenging Amy”. In this section Amy puts out her opinion of her unthankful …show more content…

Swearing that a girl like “Amazing Amy” doesn’t exist. Her having to fake the loving, oblivious, innocent wife; after catching her husband cheat on her a year ago. She began to plan her revenge, as the book has reached the point where “Amazing Amy’s” roleplay is now over, concluding her to be “Avenging Amy”. Starting the Year off with a diary full of lies, stealing money from herself just to throw off the police, just to frame Nick. Her yearly anniversary treasure hunt for her anniversary, with twisting words, in a happy sense made Nick fall in love with his wife once more, but with a sense of mockery it was a way leading him to her revenge. Poor gullible nick was stuck in a dilemma that none other than “Amazing/Avenging Amy” has done. Unfortunately for Nick, no one will believe she is capable of being truly

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