Amnesty International: Ignore Human Rights

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Human rights abuse exist all over the world. It affects millions of children, women and men every day. These victims endured abuses such like slavery, discrimination, torture and oppression. Amnesty International is an organization who fights for injustice and human rights worldwide. In this ad for the campaign, “Ignore us, Ignore human rights” Amnesty International uses different colors to show humanity. The appeal to fear is used to urge people to speak out for the tortured and oppressed. The appeal to help the helpless is used to move people to feel the need to defend human rights abuse. The appeal to belong is used to show the human need to be part of something, and an impacting image to create awareness of the abused of innocent humans. Human rights abuse is something we can’t ignore. Amnesty International is an organization created by British lawyer Peter Benenson in 1961 to protect the rights of humans worldwide. It has volunteers and activists in over 100 countries in the world and organizations in 68 countries. Some of their achievements include the release of thousands of prisoners for unjust detentions. Their campaigning leading to a law …show more content…

In this ad, the scenery of an innocent man being beaten comes alive and portrays the feelings and worries that he’s feeling. His face expresses pain. He doesn’t have any weapon on him or a way to defense himself. He seems to be a very humble man because of his clothing. The men are part of a military or a group of rebels from a third world country according to their uniforms. They show the injustice many countries live having officers and people from a higher power take advantage of their power and abusing innocents who can’t defend themselves. The standing crowd seems to belong to a first world country for the way they are dressed. This image says a lot about people’s indifference to subjects like human rights abuse in the

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