America And I By Anzia Yezierska Summary

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Anzia Yezierska is one of many immigrants that traveled to America in order to create a new living. Throughout her short story “America and I”, she immerses the reader with descriptive imagery and thoughtful detail as she tells of the challenges she personally faced. Perpetually conflicted and confused, Yezierska’s ever-evolving understanding of America changes the structure of narrative to fit her journey. Throughout the trials presented and an internal battle against an imagined and romanticized America, Yezierska finds her true America and the life she can build within it, which is reflected in her adjusted structure and tone. America, the land of the free and a source of never-ending hope and possibility. Yezierska was not alone in her idealized view of this great nation. She comes as a young woman, hopeful and excited for the life that could be. “In the golden land of flowing opportunity I was to find my work that was denied me in the sterile village of my forefathers. Here I was to be free from the dead drudgery for bread that held me down in Russia…. I’d be a creator, a giver, a human being! My work …show more content…

“Great chances have come to me. But in my heart is always a deep sadness. I feel like a man who is sitting down to a secret table of plenty, while his near ones and dear ones are perishing before his eyes. My very joy in doing the work I love hurts me like secret guilt, because all about me I see so many with my longings, my burning eagerness, to do and to be, wasting their days in drudgery they hate, merely to buy bread and pay rent. And America is losing all that richness of the soul.” (Paragraph 107) The life that she creates for herself is her job to achieve. It is not the burden of others to create a life for her, one that she has dreamed of and hoped

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