Summary Of The Idea That Is America By Anne-Marie Slaughter

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Anne-Marie Slaughter is the first woman director of planning policy at the State Department and the president and CEO of the New America Foundation. She has taught at two of the most prestige schools in the country Princeton and Harvard Law. She is also the author and editor of several books, but the most recent one is called “The Idea That Is America: Keeping Faith with Our Values in a Dangerous World which was published in the year 2007. Slaughters essay is about trying to balance home life and work life, and it first appeared in the Atlantic in July/August 2012 issue and was also on the Huffington Post. This essay argues that women in high power jobs and government positions can have both a work life and also keep their home life. She started her essay with a little information on background about her job. The New America Foundation is in Washington D.C. and is a think tank which states that it invests in new thinkers to address the next generation of people facing challenges in the United States. The Atlantic magazine covers news and analysis on politics, business, culture, technology, …show more content…

Slaughter effectively makes appeals to pathos in the middle of the argument. Slaughter used pathos to appeal to women in the workforce who work forty plus hours a week and who are missing out on their children’s lives. For example, she said “women need to start to integrate the personal and social lives to be able to balance the lives and that you would have to be super woman to be able to pull that off (slaughter 696). Another example would be, Slaughter then went on to make a statement “how could anyone leave voluntarily to return to the responsibilities of parenthood (slaughter 682). Lastly, in the essay slaughter how more men have taken on the mom role and have become more involved parents. She used ethos by stating that she worked with people of power like President Obama and several women of power like Hillary Clinton and Cheryl

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