Almodóvar's Portrayal Of Motherhood In The Movie

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This essay will discuss Almodóvar’s portrayal of motherhood in the films of ¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto? (1984), Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios (1987) and Carne trémula (1997). Also, this essay will answer the question, are ‘bad mothers’ treated more positively than ‘absent fathers’? Pedro Almodóvar has a unique way to portray certain subjects in his films, as Brad Epps and Despina Kakoudaki describe him, “Pedro Almodóvar is something of a paradox, scintillatingly so. Celebrated and denigrated by critics as serious and superficial, political and apolitical, moral and immoral, feminist and misogynist, experimental and sentimental, universal and provincial” (2009:1). One of the main subjects he portrays in his movies is family …show more content…

Pepa returns home from the airport to find that Marisa has just had the most wonderful erotic dream and feels as though she is no longer a virgin, even though nobody else (no other man) was involved in the process. It is at this point that Pepa tells for the first time that she is to have the baby and that she will raise the baby alone, without Iván. She has overcome her breakdown because she realises that she no longer needs Iván in her life to raise the baby, she realised that she is a strong, independent woman and she is more than able to raise a baby on her own. In this case Iván not only left Lucía with Carlos, he is also leaving Pepa alone with her baby. This shows that Iván is a terrible father figure, he is not only left one woman, but he is abandoning the second woman. This results that Pepa’s child will grow up in a broken family with an absent father.
In Carne trémula (1997) one of the main characters, Victor Plaza, who is presented to us as a good, if somewhat pushy, a young man who is very sexually inexperienced. Also demonstrates obsessive behaviour and a disinclination to hear ‘no’ particularly from women. The fact that his mother was a prostitute has affected his relationships with women. His misfortune is tied to his …show more content…

The movie follows a circular story line, as Almodóvar said in the same interview above,
I like the two births in the film – the first in a desolate city living in fear, the second in a city full of people and joy, a city which has forgotten its fear. And for me, that note of optimism, following on from a story that has more than a hint of tragedy about it, comes as a breath of fresh air (2006:180).
She cheated on her husband, David, once she didn’t feel guilty anymore about him being disabled and when she realised it was Sancho’s fault and Victor was innocent. As a result of this Elena and Victor has a love affair and this leads to her giving birth at the end of the movie. Where Elena and Victor were prepared for the baby and they were about to start their family together. Which means for once in the movie we see a good mother and father figure, unlike Victor’s parents, his mother as an uneducated and a prostitute, bad mother figure and his absent

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