Alison's Diary

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The summer Alison turned thirteen, many significant events imbricated in the Bechdel family as well as throughout our country. First of all, Alison’s “father’s secret almost surfaced” (153). He started seeing a psychiatrist, which Alison realized as an adult, was probably to stop cheating on his wife with underage boys. Alison’s diary plays an important role in this chapter specifically because as Alison explains, “There was a lot going on that summer. I’m glad I was taking notes” (154). The Watergate scandal was also unfolding during this time in Alison’s life. It seemed to occur with what she perceived as the loss of her childlike innocence as she explains, “It was only one of many heavy-handed plot devices to befall my family during those strange, hot months” (155). …show more content…

She started menstruating at the age of thirteen, her intimate discovery of masturbation, and the satisfaction she gained by dressing like a man for the first time. Alison does not tell her mother right away about her period nor does she write about it when it initially starts. She discloses “my diary was no longer the utterly reliable document it had been in my youth” (162). This may have just been an exceedingly difficult time her life because she leaves out her true feelings about how she feels about this new development she is going through. Alison learns how to masturbate and achieve orgasm when by rocking back and forth in her chair. She confesses to her diary using the secret code “ning” (169-172) to indicate menstruating and masturbating, two subjects she is too embarrassed to refer to in the literal sense. When Alison and her friend Beth miss a ride to the school dance with a boy named Randy, the girls raid Bruce’s closet and play dress up in his clothes instead. Alice compares this newfound enjoyment to being a “mystical pleasure, like finding myself fluent in a language I’d never been taught”

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