Alexander The Great

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America and many of the countries of this world have based their constitutions around basic human rights and rights achieved through the actions of their forefathers. We have strived, since the early colonization of our land, for equality and refuge for unjust prosecution. Despite this, in our advanced, 21st century society, there is a group of people who are still denied a basic natural right. The gay and lesbian community have been fighting for equality since the founding of the Society for Human Rights located in Chicago, formed in 1924. For 89 years these people have been denied their natural rights to be happy and wed in holy union. Historically people have fought, and won their freedoms and rights, and traditionally, gays and lesbians …show more content…

Conquerer of the World, Alexander the Great was a bisexual general of the Greek Empire. The ancient Greeks did not judge based off of sexual preference, in fact, it was the social normality. Alexander was not held back because of his sexual beliefs. Similar to Alexander of Macedon, Sam Garrison was not held back due to his natural desires. Attorney-at-law Garrison defended President Richard Nixon in his 1974 impeachment hearings. This man was not persecuted for his beliefs, however he acknowledged the fact that he never admitted to being a homosexual, in fear of rejection from his republican counterparts, and essential disbarment due to his rejection. It wouldn't be for another eight years after this trial that he finally opened up. In todays media, the most popular lesbian is Ellen DeGeneres. Host of her own syndicated talk show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, she has become a common household name, and avid supporter of gay and lesbian rights. Despite her fun and outgoing appearance, she used to be in a state of depression and sadness. In 1997, she came out as a lesbian and was instantly bombarded by the dabloids and was heavily rejected by many viewers. She lost approval rating and was under constant harassment and this constant coercion left her professional career at a stand still. Since these events, she has rebounded, becoming a leading figure in gay and lesbian rights, and had continued her …show more content…

This is evident in the actions and effects put into motion by homosexuals throughout history. However, in the United States, gay marriage is denied to people in all but fifteen states. Marriage is the foundation of happiness, it is what holds people together, being bonded to one another in matrimony. Providing financial stability, a lifetime of love, and the opportunity for a loving family is many peoples dreams, which can all be achieved through marriage. When people are denied the right to be married, and told they have to settle with a life long companion, the feeling is not as satisfying. The feeling knowing that every morning you will be waking up to the one you love, your lifelong companion and friend, your spouse is a feeling everyone wishes to feel. People who love another of the opposite gender can feel those feelings, however if you love someone of the same orientation as you, you will be forever deprived of these feeling unless you seek refuge in another part of the country, one which accepts gay

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