Aldehyde And Butanone Reaction Lab Report

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In this experiment several reactions were performed in order to differentiate between aldehydes, ketones, and also to identify the unknown compound given. The first reaction was using the Tollens reagent with formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and butanone. The Tollens test was positive for formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, since aldehydes and tollens reagent is the only reaction that will be positive with a precipitate of silver mirrors. In contrast, butanone s a ketone, which with tollens reagent will not result in a silver mirror. Then the same procedure was followed but instead of Tollens reagent, dilute permanganate was used. The only positive reaction was with acetaldehyde, which resulted in a brown precipitate. Once, again the same procedures were followed with unknown # 4 for the tollens test and dilute permanganate, which …show more content…

Then several reactions were performed with the Schiff’s Reagent, using formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, butanone and the unknown #4. The results were positive for formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, negative results for butanone and unknown #4. The results indicated that Schiff's reagent gives a positive test with aldehydes and it is also known to be positive with small cyclic ketones. The next step was to add bisulfate with benzaldehyde which resulted positive, resulting in a white precipitate. In the other hand 3-pentanone plus bisulfite, and unknown + bisulfate, both resulted negative. Following the next step, the iodoform test was performed, the reaction of butanone and the iodoform solution resulted positive, the brown color of the iodine/potassium iodide reagent disappeared and a yellow precipitate of CHI3 formed. The procedure was repeated using benzaldehyde and also for the unknown #4, which both resulted negative not turning yellow. The iodoform reagent is known to react with methyl aldehydes and methyl ketones, meaning that the unknown used was not any of

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