Ageism: Oppression To Groups Of People

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Ageism is the discrimination, stereotyping and can be a form of oppression to groups of people based on their age. Ageism has additionally been utilized to depict prejudice against children and teenagers such disregarding their beliefs, ideas and thoughts just because of their age. An example of ageism that I have heard multiple times particularly from teens and Millennials is that adults over 60 years of age need to retire because they have had their turn and that the young and new generation can have more opportunities such as jobs. Another example that I have experienced around me and seen on TV is not letting elders to drive, shop or exercise on their own. I have seen elders that are independent, but they would be questioned and put down. For example, if they like to take walks they would always be advised not leave by themselves because they were scared something bad would happen to him. They would say that it is not safe to walk alone outside because they would be the perfect victim to get robbed.

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After they retire they take on leading roles and are respected by everyone. Also, seniors are never left alone by the family and if an elder doesn’t have an immediate family or relatives to take care of them the community takes care of the elder. My mother grew up in Somalia and she says that it was normal for an elder that you aren’t related to become family. In my culture you are also not supposed to talk loudly to an elder you are supposed to be soft and welcoming because talking loudly at someone is considered rude. Sometimes even though seniors are valuable to my community and they are respected ageism is still present and I see some form of it taking place such as treating them differently taking, away their individuality, assuming that they can’t take part in activities but it’s their usefulness that is

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