Afterlife Beliefs

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The afterlife is such a confusing subject for me. People naturally fear death, and I am no different. I often wonder where will my mind go after my body dies, and I often think of an afterlife. I do believe in a God, and so I ultimately do believe in some kind of afterlife. As I explained before, I believe that God is purely an outside acting force that enters the physical universe at will. He can also be defined as the complete series of actions and movements that are made through individuals that are devoted to an increasingly balanced life in the cosmos. My belief on God influences my beliefs on an afterlife. I believe that the entity described above can only exist in an extra dimensional plane of existence outside our own. In other words, in order for a being of this caliber to exist, there must be a realm of equal magnitude to house him. Whether or not human minds travel there to live in eternal bliss is a different story. …show more content…

This determination would have to include the definition of a soul, which is an entirely different topic of discussion. Given that there is a human soul, I do believe that some part of all humans lives forever. Universal data can never be destroyed. Information changes form to other kinds of data, but the information is still there. The human consciousness and mind can be defined in data, albeit an extremely massive amount of data per person. It is possible that this data is transferred to an extra dimensional plane of existence. I also believe that it is possible that this data exists in the minds of others. I firmly believe that people live in our memories, and that it is quite possible that their conscious data is transferred into our own conscious

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