Aerodynamics Of Soccer Research Paper

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Aerodynamics of soccer Did you know not all famous soccer players know the aerodynamics of soccer, but it's the most important thing to know when playing soccer today? Players use them every time they kick a ball. There are a lot of things we can talk about soccer, but now we are going to talk about where it started and its aerodynamics. Soccer is one of the world’s most ancient sport and it's one of the best sports in the world. According to the History of Soccer, “early evidence of soccer being played as a sport finds occurrence in China during the 2nd and 3rd centuries BC. In China, it was during the Han dynasty that people dribbled leather balls by kicking it into a small net”. It was around England where the early modern soccer started. The rules were set up in Europe by eleven representatives from London clubs in the 18th century to control the game. People from all over the country started playing soccer after rules were set up. …show more content…

According to Mathematics and Sport, “Aerodynamics in sports has been studied ever since Newton commented on the deviation of a tennis ball in his paper New theory of light and colours published in 1672. Today, the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies the effect of aerodynamics in such sports as soccer” All soccer matches are filled with complex aerodynamics as evidenced in the way balls swerve through the air and curve. In world class soccer, such as Brazil, Germany, and England, soccer players exploit such behavior, especially in a free kick. They get the skills by studying the aerodynamics of

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