Adversity In Nick Adams's Stories

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When faced with adversity everyone acts differently. Adversity can make you stronger and it can tear you down. Persevere or to run away. Adversity brings out the best character in people. Adversity weeds out true friends from fake friends. Jackie Robinson was an African American athlete who played for the Brooklyn dodgers as the first african american to play MLB baseball. He faced discrimination on the team to start out, some of his teammates threw racial slurs at him while others did not. This ended when the coach intervened and put a stop to the name calling but is showed Jackie who the real friends were and who was only nice because they were told to. Relationships can change too and sometimes they are not meant to last. In The Nick Adams Stories Nick´s girlfriend said ¨isn't love any fun anymore?¨ (Hemingway). This quote goes to show that nick is stuck with the adversity of being caught up with a person he no longer likes. He goes to to make the decision to break up with her so he can be happy. …show more content…

Opportunities arise to help people and its optional but something compels us to do the right thing when others face their own Adversities. In The Nick Adams Stories Nicks father sees someone that needs help and he says ¨There is a very sick indian lady¨(Hemingway) He has no duty to perform surgery on her, he doesn't get paid but he looks out for others and does it anyway because he cares for others. Similarly Jackie Robinson was a great step forward for african american athletes. He is not the only one that faced these racist people, and not everyone got as much support as him. Jackie Robinson joined the NAACP to advocate for other african american athletes who needed help to overcome this negative racism that he

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