Advantages And Benefits Of Caffeine

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Benefits of Caffeine
Alertness and Task Performance
Researches also show that caffeine helps people to concentrate longer and do better on simple mental or physical task (Klosterman, 2007). Caffeine gives energy boost that helps the person do routine activities, but that same energy makes it harder to settle down and patiently tackle a complex or new mental challenge (Klosterman, 2007).

Mood Enhancer
One study of more than 86 000 female nurses by research of Harvard Medical School looked for a correlation between caffeine consumption and suicide (Klosterman, 2007). Nurses who drank tow or more cups a day were less likely to become depressed enough to commit suicide (Klosterman, 2007). A similar study were conducted with nearly 130 000 …show more content…

Caffeine acts on the central nervous system by increasing heartbeat and respiration (Kushner, 2006). While caffeine reduces fatigue, it disrupts complex motor task. Caffeine also has effects on sleep (Kushner, 2006). Ingesting caffeine thirty to sixty minutes before going to sleep will dramatically reduce the ability to fall asleep (Kushner, 2006). In fact people who drink as little as two cups of coffee are likely to have their sleep cycles interrupted (Marcovitz, 2006). Even when a person does fall asleep, their quality of sleep was substantially diminished and may still woke up tired (Kushner, 2006).

Caffeine and Dehydration
According to Hal Marcovitz (2006), caffeine is diuretic which causes frequent urination. People who urinate frequently risk dehydration, which is potentially dangerous condition caused by lack of fluids in the body. However, it is rare for most coffee drinkers to suffer from the effects of dehydration such as dizziness, fainting, low blood pressure, and blood in the urine and stool. Dehydration of caffeine reduces waster in the digestive tract that causes constipation. On the other hand taking caffeine with an empty stomach causes diarrhea.

Caffeine and …show more content…

Biochemistry is the study of the chemical composition of living organisms. In regards to caffeine, biochemistry observes the molecule from its living sources such as Coffea arabia and Coffea canephora. Researchers in this area of science study life on a molecular scale. Biochemistry investigates the mechanism of caffeine and how it affects and benefits the human body.

Future of Caffeine According to Bennett Alan Weinberg and Bonnie Bealer (2001)
Chemical intoxicants have been widely enjoyed since the remotest prehistoric times. Today, caffeine is the dominant universal drug of human race. Certainly caffeine use has not remained constant, nor can it be absolutely asserted that its use has demonstrated an unbroken increase in every nation in every decade. Yet coffee bean alone has come to an account for a greater share of international trade than any other agricultural commodity and caffeinated beverages have reached every quarter of every country on earth. Selling caffeinated beverages is and is likely to remain a great

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