Benefits And Effects Of Caffeine

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In general, people usually wonder whether the consumption of caffeine is beneficial or harmful to their health. There some benefits and risk of consuming caffeine but based on the different studies that have been conducted over the years, more importance are given to benefits of caffeine (Hensrud, 2014). According to Gunnars (2013), caffeine is good for health as it contains antioxidants and beneficial nutrients which may improve human health. Plus, Gunnars (2013) also stated that studies show that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of several serious diseases and have proven to have some health benefits. First and foremost, caffeine help people feel less tired, increases memory and increases energy levels. This is because, when caffeine is consumed, it is absorbed into the bloodstream which then travels to the brain and caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. Then, the amount of other neurotransmitter such as dopamine and noradrenaline increases which leads to enhanced firing of neurons. Therefore, this improves various aspect of brain function such as memory, mood, reaction time, alertness and energy levels (Gunnars, 2013). Secondly, caffeine may lower the risk of type II diabetes in humans. Particularly, type II diabetes is caused by high blood sugars in the context of insulin resistance or the failure to secrete insulin. According to Gunnars (2013), studies illustrate that people who consume caffeine have a 23-50% lower risk of getting type II diabetes while one study showed a reduction as high as 67%. In addition, each daily cup of coffee was associated with a 7% reduced risk of developing type II diabetes based on a massive review that looked at data from 18 studies with a sum of 457 922 individuals... ... middle of paper ... ...unnars, 2013). Lastly, caffeine could drastically improve physical performance. In connection to this, caffeine stimulates the nervous system which causes it to send signals to the fat cell to break down body fat and at the same time it increases adrenaline levels in the blood (Gunnars, 2013). As consequences, the caffeine makes the fat cells break down body fat which releases them into the blood as free fatty acids and the body is ready for intense physical exertion. To sum up, there are benefits of caffeine but the level of caffeine can vary depending on what is consumed. Consequently, caffeine should be taken in moderate amounts as too much of caffeine could be harmful to the body. For instance, too much of caffeine could lead to osteoporosis as caffeine could decrease the bone mineral density and it can also cause dehydration (Michigan State University, 2013).

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