Adult Obesity: A Case Study

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In the late 1960s, the early surgical experiences for adult obesity were first published. It was not until the 1970s and 1980s that bariatric procedures for adolescents with morbid obesity were first reported. Jejuno– ileal bypass was done in at least 20 adolescents (age range 11–20 years) with preoperative weight range 120–150 kg. The expected macronutrient malabsorption resulted in 34–36% weight reduction for these patients. Significant improvement in hyperlipidaemia, T2DM and quality of life were also reported, although at the expense of fat-soluble vitamin loss, electrolyte disturbances and diarrhea in some. Owing to the reported risks of electrolyte abnormalities, vitamin malabsorption, and liver and renal damage, this operation has been

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