Adnan Syed Case Study

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The presumption of innocence is “One of the most sacred principles in the American criminal justice system... the prosecution must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, each essential element of the crime charged,” (“Presumption Of Innocence”). A guilty man can not be charged without evidence of their wrong doing. In 1999, Adnan Syed was arrested for the murder of Hae Min Lee. From the unfair ruling in the court by the bias jurors, and his lawyer getting lost in her argument and missing the sole purpose of the case, even an innocent man would not have walked free. The facts point to him being guilty but, none of the details should have been admissible in the court. Although Adnan Syed did not act alone, he was and still is, a guilty man who was …show more content…

Then again, there was not any hard evidence that linked anybody to being the killer. It all boils down to motive. Adnan had rebelled against his parents strict Muslim upbringings and secretly dated Hae. He risked a lot to continue their relationship; only to be betrayed and have his heart broken by her. Very few positive aspects were remembered from their relationship. A friend of the two recalls Adnan constantly messaging Hae when they were not together and also taking account of when she would come and go. These actions come across as controlling and possessive. After examining the case,state prosecutor, Kevin Urich came to the conclusion that “he became enraged. He felt betrayed that his honor had been besmirched. He became very angry and he set out to kill her,”(Episode 2). Of all the suspects, Adnan Syed had the most probable …show more content…

The letter that stood out the most was one written by Hae to Adnan, post break-up, when they passing notes in class one day. She wrote “I’m really getting annoyed that this situation is going the way it is. You know, people break up all the time, your life will go on. You’ll move on and I’ll move on. But apparently you don’t respect me enough to accept my decision,” (Episode 6) and if that does not raise enough eyebrows then Adnans’ short response will. Written on the top of the page in the pen he had been using to write to Anisha wrote “I’m going to kill,” (Episode 6). This written message along with Jays’ story of it being a premeditated murder adds

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