Acquirin Synthesis Lab Report

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Cyclic Voltammetry is an electrochemical method used to study electrically active species. The basic theory behind cyclic voltammetry is that the species being studied undergoes excitation viva a potential. The potential is cycled between two points. Cyclic voltammetry can be used to study kinetics, mechanisms, synthesis, and quantitative analysis. In the following experiment, cyclic voltammetry will be used to study the concentration of acetaminophen in children’s pain reliever. The analysis of the elixir concentration was found to be 28.1 mg/L; given that the specified concentration was 32 mg/L. The percent error of the analysis was found to be 12.1 %. Introduction: Electrochemistry is a large branch in the disciplines of chemistry. Within electrochemistry, cyclic voltammetry is a method in which compounds undergo reduction and oxidation. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) offers methods in acquiring kinetic information, synthesis, mechanisms, and quantitative information about a species, reactions, or a compound. Cyclic voltammetry offers methods in …show more content…

Acetaminophen is a replacement pain reliever for children, due to aspirin side effects. The redox of acetaminophen is an irreversible, however, this under conditions where the pH is acidic. Acetaminophen is reduced to N-acetyl-4-quinoneimine. Due to acidic conditions, it is rapidly hydrolyzed to N-acetyl-4-quinoneimine hydrate, which cannot be forced back to acetaminophen. In order to overcome this, the analysis is done in a neutral or basic buffer. This prevents N-acetyl-4-quinoneimine from being hydrolyzed and allows it to be oxidized back to acetaminophen1. Acetaminophen under a neutral environment becomes a quasi-reversible system. Since not all of the N-acetyl-4-quinoneimine can be prevented from forming the hydrate, the data will contain errors. The amount of acetaminophen stated on the children’s Tylenol was 160 mg per 5

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