Accounting Personal Statement

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At a glance, accounting might appear as a repetitive cycle of preparing and examining financial statements. However, a brief exposure to accounting has taught me how chaotic it can be for accountants. An accountant captures and represents the information of businesses. By reviewing financial operations, an accountant helps a business run efficiently. This profession can be intellectually stimulating and rewarding. After learning about accounting, I cannot help but be interested and desire to work toward a degree in accountancy. In my studies, I have learned accountants require a plethora of qualities to be successful. And to mature from a student to a professional, I must resolve to strengthen my weaknesses. There is much I must learn and achieve, but a degree in accounting is well worth the time spent. Accounting seizes my interest for a number of reasons. I possess strong analytical skills and always derive pleasure from working with numbers. Personally, these qualities helped decide that a future in accounting would be a great decision. The thought of becoming a professional offers a new level of excitement. In addition, there are many different positions and roles that an accountant can fill. Besides the financial rewards, accounting …show more content…

Although I said I am not the most confident individual, I can easily see myself becoming an accountant in the years to come. During my brief time at this university, I have already seen myself start to mature as an individual. As a student, I realize there is still much work for me to complete. However, I am finding it much easier to study and push myself to go further than I have before. These changes only seem small right now, but I know they can be limitless. As long as I keep pushing forward and maintain my effort as a student, I will, without a doubt, become a professional who can call himself an

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