Abraham Lincoln And Franklin Roosevelt

1500 Words3 Pages

Jeff Wlodarczak

Of all the presidents, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt are argued to be the best presidents in our nation’s history. Abraham Lincoln towers above all. During his presidency was the time when the republic has started to collapse but he emerges reborn as the United States we know today. “Abraham Lincoln was an unusually competent politician and a strong wartime commander in chief. He is an unparalleled national treasure, a legend that best represents the democratic ideal.” (Abraham Lincoln, George McGovern). While Franklin Roosevelt was a statesman who was elected to four terms in office and his accomplishments in leading the nation through depression and world war are appreciated to this day. “(Roosevelt) was more tested in peace and war than any other president other than Lincoln. Although often seen as a patrician among professional politicians, he was perhaps the most skilled politician of the lot.” ( Franklin Delano Roosevelt Roy Jenkins). Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt’s similarities are greater than any two presidents. Both presidents changed American Society, had similar ideas on war and both gave famous speeches that changed the world.
Abraham Lincoln has done a lot to change America. During the third year of the American Civil war Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The Proclamation stated “that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free." This was the first step in giving African Americans freedom. The proclamation announced the acceptance of African Americans into the union army, which greatly helped the union win the war. Abraham Lincoln changed the U.S for the better. With the creation of the Emancipation proclamation ...

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...s similar to Franklin Roosevelt who created new deal with programs such as: Emergency banking act, the civil works administration, and the Federal emergency relief program. Both Presidents also had similar war time strategies . Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus which was somewhat similar to what Roosevelt did by sending Japanese men, women, and children to internment camps in fear of an attack on the west coast. Both presidents also tried everything they could to reframe from war and both men had contributions to the war effort. Both presidents had similar ideas on campaigning and winning over the people. Abraham Lincoln spoke across the nation to express his opions and Roosevelt used “Firseide Chats” to let the world know what was going on. Both Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt had a lot similar beliefs and they showed it in their work.

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