Aaron Rodgers Research Paper

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I believe that in order to live life with a smile on your face, you have to have patience. I believe this because I have had to be patient. I am where I am in sports and life in general because I’ve been patient. Similar, in a way, to Aaron Rodgers. Patience to me is having the strength to wait out something. Most of the time it is some sort of hardship or set back. Take my life for example. I have not always been very good at football. When I first started out in sports I pretty much only played soccer. I didn’t really know what football was even though my dad was a huge fan. I stuck with soccer until I was about seven or eight years old. That is when my family moved to Florida. Because of that move I began to experience new things. The fields where I played soccer also had youth football going. I began to take interest so my mom signed me up for flag football. During my first year I was still learning the ground rules so I wasn’t exactly a breakout star. But in time I started to perfect my craft. So when tackle football rolled around, and I was old enough to play, the coaches started to take notice. …show more content…

When he first got to the National Football League he was a back up to now hall of famer Brett Favre. This is where Aaron’s patience was tested most. Even though Brett Favre was getting towards the end of his career Aaron was only a late first round pick so he would have to wait until Brett retired or got injured. It took him three years before he got his shot. Brett went down in a game and Aaron seized the opportunity. And boy, was it worth the wait. In 2008 he led the Green Bay Packers to a Super Bowl win. After the 2010 season he was named Super Bowl’s most valuable player. And is on his way to the hall of fame. If he can wait three years of being over-shadowed by one of the greatest to play the game, there is no reason someone like you or me can’t make it big with a little

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