ADHD Medication Essay

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Disturbingly over two-thirds of children are given some type of medication over a two week period. Children with ADHD are being medicated without needing it. The question many researchers are asking is, “Is that patient really in need for the medication given?” Truly, is giving your young ones medication with a little cold worth the cause of actually making their bodies used to the given drug, and approximately making the child addicted to it as well. Parents of children with ADHD are being given the choice to rapidly get prescribed medication or simply treat their child with behavioral therapy. Being able to see the benefit of the doubt is a great opportunity for the parents of children with ADHD - they’re allowed to manage their child's …show more content…

May this open the questioning of parents - in examining the treatment well affected to their child? If well-informed about how it can affect the body and the brain - how it has numerous side effects including poor appetite, sleeplessness, irritability and slowed growth. Just clearly and carefully think about all the medication you may be using.
"Until we know more the recommendation is to first refer parents of children under 6 years of age who have ADHD for training and behavior therapy," Anne Schuchat, CDC principal deputy director had said to reporters. Parents get the choice to be able to go to an eight-week boot camp and take a course on how to better manage difficult behavior, along with trying a load mix of lifestyle changes.
On the other hand, if the therapy alone is not working correctly, then will the doctor recommend to us both behavioral therapy and the medication together at the same time. There are many studies on whether the therapy does completely work, but given the chance that therapy does work the child will be in no need for the prescription of

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