adhd in the health care setting

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The health care setting plays an integral role in the diagnosis and care of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The diversity of services available and the pathways that child and family inevitably find themselves taking can be long and arduous, therefore finding a service that will meet the needs of both is crucial.
As defined by Ministry of Health (2001), “Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in childhood are persistent overactivity, impulsiveness and inattention, although not all may be present” (p. v). Children may appear as though they are unfocussed, defiant, excessive risk takers or have difficulty performing simple tasks in comparison with their peers. In addition to a diagnosis of ADHD, children may also present with comorbidities such as learning deficits, mood disorders and antisocial characteristics (Ministry of Health, 2001).
Goldstein (1995, as cited in Gol & Jarus, 2005) and Cantwell (1996, as cited in Gol & Jarus, 2005) explain referral to mental health services is prevalent for children with this chronic behavioural problem. For parents needing guidance in addressing concerns, a first point of contact may be a General Practitioner where symptoms can be discussed and referral to an appropriate service considered. As Laver-Bradbury (2013) states, clinicians within a children’s mental health service or paediatric setting are recommended, although McGonnell, Corkum, McKinnon, MacPherson, Williams, Davidson, Jones, and Stephenson (2007) suggest waiting lists for services can be detrimental. Child, Adolescent and Family Services (CAFS) is a mental health service specifically aimed at targeting the needs of children 0-19 years of age. Medical and health professionals wi...

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Kutscher, M. (2005). Kid’s in the syndrome mix of ADHD, LD, Asperger’s, Tourette’s, Bipolar, and More! London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
Laver-Bradbury, C. (2013). ADHD in children: An overview of treatment. Nurse Prescribing, 11(12), 597-601. Retrieved from ProQuest database.
McGonnell, M., Corkum, P., McKinnon, M., MacPherson, M., Williams, T., Davidson, C., . . . Stephenson D. (2009). Doing it right: An interdisciplinary model for the diagnosis of ADHD. Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 18(4), 283-286. Retrieved from CINAHL database.
Methylphenidate. (2014). In MIMS new ethicals (Issue 20, p. 170). Auckland, New Zealand: UBM Medica.
Young, R., (2007). The role of the occupational therapist in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A case study. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 14(10), 454-459. Retrieved from CINAHL database.

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