A Wind Storm In The Forest John Muir Analysis

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As I read John Muir’s “A Wind Storm in The Forest”, I come to realize how passionate the author is pertaining to wind and nature. He uses descriptive language to bring out the full beauty of the winds. For example John Muir states in his narrative “A Wind Storm in The Forest” that “After one has seen pines six feet in diameter bending like grasses before a mountain gale, and ever and anon some giant falling” (526). The author gives winds the quality which no human could ever possibly obtain, and that is sheer power. However the author also describes the winds as always not beastly, but rather sometimes gentle and calm. John Muir wants the readers to understand that wind is has its many beauty’s and miracles; you just have to be willing to look …show more content…

I always loved to go out into the forest and wander around hoping to find something magical hiding in its depths. I always saw nature as something to be respected and taken care of. However nowadays we live in a world where nobody cares about mother earth and nature, therefore causing global warming and greenhouse gases. Due to the ever increasing gas emissions in our atmosphere, it is causing many people across the globe to suffer. For example, when I went to Somalia in 2009, I had not experience any kind of rain for a year. It was one of the worst drought Somalia have ever seen, and unfortunately I was a victim of it. I would remember myself herding the goats for my grandmother, in search of grass so that the goats could eat and gain weight. However that was not possible due to the drought, and in the end my grandmother was left with no goats. People lack to understand that this world is ours, and if we don’t take care of it then our kids won’t have a world to live in. Most people are ungrateful and fail to recognize our duty as a human beings living on planet earth. There are high increases in tornado’s, and other natural disasters due to global warming. For example just last week a rare tornado hit Sydney, causing cricket ball-sized hail, and winds up to 200 km. It is reported that Australia is experiencing an El Nino weather pattern, therefore causing extreme droughts, storms, and floods. John Muir hinted

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