A Thousand Faces Hero's Journey

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In Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces”, the hero undergoes a transformation throughout his journey. This transformation is an important part of the journey as it hooks viewers into the story by establishing a relatable character for the viewers, in addition to showing the hero’s struggles to change in his attempt to complete his quest.

When the hero is relatable, viewers will be able to understand the actions and growth of the hero. Not only does this ensure that the hero is a plausible being, at least in terms of the fictional world, it also allows the viewers to emphasize with the hero’s plight.

In a typical story of the hero’s journey, the viewers connect with the hero by accompanying him on the quest from the Departure …show more content…

At the start of a typical hero’s journey, the hero starts off immature and flawed in one way or another. However, he undergoes the journey in order to attain the Ultimate Boon. To do so, he has to endure through the trials in the Road of Trails, The Meeting with The Goddess, Woman as Temptress and The Atonement with The Father. As the hero surmount each trial, he matures and inches one step closer towards the Ultimate Boon. The Apotheosis marks the peak of his development, and at that point the hero is ready to take on any challenge to attain the Ultimate Boon.

In essence, the hero’s transformation illustrates the hero’s struggles to acquire the Ultimate Boon, which is a major element of a hero’s journey.

Below are the analysis of 3 different types of heroes to show how the hero’s transformation is an important aspect of his journey.

The first hero to be analyzed is the everyman hero, Lee, from the Walking Dead Game: Season 1. Lee is an everyman hero as he started off as an ordinary person with no special skills, though he had a somewhat tragic backstory of being convicted after murdering a state senator who had an affair with his wife in a fit of anger. Soon after the zombie apocalypse started and he was inadvertently freed, he met a young child, Clementine, who saved him from an attacking zombie. Lee then decided to protect Clementine and help her find her …show more content…

His backstory and motivations were made abundantly clear at the start of the story, thus explaining his quick temper as well as why he had to deal with the suspicions about his backstory and his reluctance to explain it. This relatability makes it easy for players to want to support Lee, especially since he was also generally kind and willing to put others before himself. This makes Lee’s actions in the game compelling and intriguing, as it is a reflection of the player moral choices.

This led to the struggles which he faced in the apocalypse. In the story, Lee underwent a transformation from a professor with a criminal record to a leader, making tough decisions for the greater good, which ranged from selecting who to feed in a food shortage, to choosing who to save first in a crisis, which usually leads to the other party dying. He also became a mentor to Clementine, teaching her how to defend herself despite his hesitance over the danger

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