Unbroken Vs Odyssey

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The human need to be relatable is unquenchable. We love to be able to see parts of ourselves in others, and to be able to feel like our idols are not untouchable. The Hero’s Journey format is one that can be found in almost any story, even in real life. Overall, it is the perfect recipe for keeping readers engrossed. Another place the journey has shown up is in Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand and Odyssey by Homer. These two stories—one a biography, the other, an epic poem—are so effective in their storytelling, it is easy to see how authors today continue to use the same method to make stories that grab the readers’ attention. What makes them most alike, however, is the emotions and thoughts they have the power to provoke. Stories with a hero’s journey can serve as an escape from everyday life, which is why these kind of stories are so popular and why they resonate so deeply with readers. In everyday life, people develop routines. The reason readers like these kinds of stories is the same reason why most people go on vacation: to destress, explore, and take a break from these mundane routines. The same goes for books with tales of fantastical lands and mystery. The opportunity to experience a whole new fantasy world with every book is an adventure in itself. Not only do the magical worlds add to the …show more content…

Stories like The Odyssey remind readers that even the toughest people have weak spots. It is easy to be blinded by the strength and valor these heroes display and forget that everyone has pitfalls. It can prove refreshing to be reminded that even the most thick-skinned people are just humans too. Seeing a hero make questionable decisions or act on their emotions can be reassuring, especially to be reminded that hero is not a synonym for perfect. This effect is why these stories have been popular for

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