A Thank You Letter By Blanca Zuniga

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I wrote you letters, to three people in my life. Each has helped me get through a very tough time, and I am beyond grateful for them all. They were the ones who helped me get through my life while still holding my values, and goals. I have express my gratitude many times by speaking out loud to them about it. Expressing how my needs were met by their existence in my life. It’s a common courtesy, and a sign of respect to say thank you. Writing a thank-you letter to someone is a sure way of connecting though. Words can be wonderful when spoken, but there are other ways to express yourself in words. Writing them on paper can be a powerful thing, and leave a lasting impression. The person who receives the thank you letter, can forever hold your words of gratitude. I wrote my thank you letters, explaining why was writing them. I also connected with my thank you letter receiver, by sharing history on how I got to this point of writing. Blanca Zuniga is my primary doctor, and assisted me on my health concerns. I was experiencing a lot of pain ,and …show more content…

I didn't have my parents around growing up, so she was more like a mother to me if anything. I personalize my thank-you note to her by sending her a picture of me. Told her we could buy a frame together as soon as she picked out a color. I kept it sweet, and simple; so it was easy to Ramble On I didn't. The main point I wanted to get across, was how dare she was to me. Growing up as her grandchild was a privilege, and I hope to be a grandmother like her one day. I also told her I'm thankful to God for letting her live so long at 89 years old. My thank you letter closing was different, because I closed it by saying “I love you”. My first two letters showed my gratitude, but we’re more professional in detail. I enjoyed this assignment and reading the thank note articles ,because it did remind me to show more appreciation to

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