A Rhetorical Analysis Of Adopt US Kids

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Adopt US Kids is a project that raises public awareness about the need for foster and adoptive families. “This project started in 2002 in their efforts to find families for children in foster care, which becomes the most challenging when trying to place older youth” (Adoption Exchanged Association 2002). The PSA takes place in the kitchen where two females, an older and a younger, seem to have burnt a pie. The burnt pie, however, is not the focus of the image; the focus is the obvious, genuine relationship between the adoptive mother and teen daughter. Without a doubt, the Public Service Announcement (PSA) titled “Adoption from Foster Care” (see Figure 1) from the organization Adopt US Kids is effective at convincing adults who are hesitant to adopt of their potential through the use of ethos, logos, and pathos. …show more content…

The quote states “You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent”, which seem to be written by a kid that voices all the kids/teens in foster care, to make a point across to the adults reading it. Also, the fact that it seems to be written by a kid makes the adult thats considering to adopt feel better because its coming from what seems to be the youths perspective. This automatically convinces the readers that every teen in foster care feels this way. This PSA is trying to get across the point that it's morally right to give a parentless child a home, and that they don’t need much perfection, they just need a parent. It encourages goodness and calls for

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