A Report on Cruelty to Children in a Cotton Factory

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A Report on Cruelty to Children in a Cotton Factory After walking around the Cotton Mill factory, surprisingly to me, I have found various types of child cruelty, which I think should be stopped in order to secure the future safety of children working in cotton mill factories. This following report shows the information in which I have found during my visit. Cruelty Beating I have found that children have been beaten for various types of unfair reasons. I saw one particular case in which a small boy at the age of nine, placed a bobbin in the wrong place, and almost straight away, got beaten with a long cane, which was held by the overseer, standing close to him, watching his every move. The boy, called George, said to me, "I have only been working here for three days, and already I have been beaten quite a few times, because I do not know where everything goes, and no-one is kind enough to tell me." I think that this type of cruelty is not asked for, because the boy is clearly young and inexperienced, and so therefore deserves a chance to be helped, and not beaten for any particular reason. George also told me that there are also many of these incidents going on in the factory, and children can be beaten for almost anything, from breaking things, to not cleaning up after someone. His older brother Tom, who is now thirteen, told me, "When I had just joined the factory, I used to get beaten all the time for falling asleep, which I couldn't help because at that time, I was only young. I just hope that some thing could be done so that other children would not suffer like I did." I think that beating children is an awful thing to do, and surely there must be some other kind of punishment, if it was necessary? Dangerous Working Conditions Another main thing that I noticed was the dangerous conditions the children faced whilst working in the factory.

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