A Parent's Death: A Personal Narrative

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It hit me like a bullet. I was in shock for the first 10 minutes. No words. The only sound I could hear was crying and sobbing and deep breaths. The only thing on anyone’s mind was how to get over the fact that our mom, wife, or grandma had died. I remember the nervousness I had when my dad said I had to be home that instant. They should have been on their anniversary trip but they were back. I couldn’t figure out why but I knew it was something big. I knew that my grandma had cancer and my grandpa was very sick. That’s all I could think about. Not any good things, just what if one of them were dead. I got back to my house and my dad took my bag. He said listen very carefully and know that it’s okay to cry. I said alright and that’s when I felt like I had died inside. When I say it hit me like a bullet I mean it actually felt like someone had shot me. It was more painful than when I broke my ankle. I stood there refusing to believe that she was dead. All the time I had to fight that thought was 10 minutes. By that time I was at my grandparents house and was greeted by crying relatives. …show more content…

My old normal was seeing my grandma almost every day. Every saturday I was in the same booth at mcdonalds with me and her on one side and my cousin and grandpa on the other. That next day I was at church with her. Getting to hear her sing and do a little tiny dance was the highlight of my day. The barrier that is holding me back is all the times I did things with her before. But I know that I will never not be sad about it so that’s why my number one goal is to find a new

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