A Configuration Model Of Organizational Culture

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On the other hand, partners couldn't see any problem happen, because we have ability to solve all problems. All employees have learned experience of solving the problem, but partners keep recommitting the same error. Partners resistance to change the work environment, they operated the organization of Asian style. Though since they are doing business in America, they need to combine American culture into business concepts. Same thing happened to the internal company, in Asian culture, most employers would like to save cost of HR, they hire less people to do lots of things, we do the same thing, but it's really inefficiency, especially this company opens over twenty stores now.
In today’s business days, organizational culture is full of empowers and challenges. A culture supports tactical and operational goals can stimulate performance and glow innovation and differentiation (Brown, 2014 p.65) (F., 2014). The idea of organizational culture has its key roots in culture theory. From a journal “A Configuration Model of Organizational Culture” that organizational culture, as a construct separable from societal culture, has been subject to research for many years and different models can be found across different disciplines (Dauber, Fink & Yolles, 2012).
Basically, organizational culture can be definite by three categories which are “dimensions approach, interrelated structure approach, and typology approaches” (Dauber, Fink & Yolles, 2012). The dimensions approach mainly focuses on measuring organizational culture empirically along balance that can be connected to other, frequently dependent, variables of interest. Interrelated structure approaches concentrate on linking the concept of organizational culture to other constructs or ch...

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...de program may be dismayed by the ostensibly slow pace at which the vicissitude is moving, or, after having been involved in the diagnosis of quandaries, they may be inundated by the variety and magnitude of the quandary (Brown, 2014 p.125).
In addition to the driving forces of change, implementations of any OD change program needs to take account of the restraining forces of change. The advocates of the transmutation may surmise that everyone will actively support the transmutation because its goals are worthwhile, but this is sometimes not what transpires. Since change always alters the status quo, managers should anticipate some employee resistance and plan for this eventuality in the vicissitude strategy. The failure of management to win acceptance of the proposed changes can be one of the most paramount obstructions to an OD change program (Brown, 2014 p.126).

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