A Comparison Of Gettysburg Address And Vietnam Wall Poem By Alberto Rios

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There are many stories told throughout life some bad and some good as some could be pushed in between. Many could be true or false, nonfiction or fiction but each and everyone of them tell a story otherwise it would be like reading a book with nothing meaningful inside. Many of these stories tell something about our country and its inhabitants and what has happened or what may happen in later time. Three of these stories would be Once upon a time written by Nadine Gurminder, the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln, and the Vietnam Wall Poem by Alberto Rios. Each of these say a certain lesson against what our country has been doing for years to other people just because we think we are better than everyone and that we should rule the world. Each of these lessons …show more content…

The idea of the story is that the parents got ignorant of the terror they were putting their son through. They went crazy trying to keep their son safe that he was no longer safe and they were in what looked to be more and more like a prison. The next story, Gettysburg Address, is a speech written by Abraham Lincoln after the Battle Of Gettysburg that says that slavery isn't right and what the country has done to those who serve them has been wrong in making people do things for other people. We are all equal is what the speech is stating and that even though we have different skin colors that we are still the same. Last but not least the Vietnam War Poem told us about the sadness that the war caused and the reactions people have when visiting this memorial. Lots of people don't believe we should have even been in that war because it had nothing to do with us. This poem doesn't say much but it does say that years after the war we are still scared with anger at what our

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