A Compare And Contrast Essay On Buddhism And Sikhism

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Religions of Peace
The Peaceful Religions
Shelece R. Sellers World Religion

The Peaceful Religions

The two religions I chose to write about are Buddhism, which some consider a religion and some consider a philosophy, and Sikhism. These religions both focus on peace. I will be discussing its principles, beliefs, compare and contrast the two religions, and lastly what perspective it has with today’s society.

Buddhism is a way of finding serenity within oneself. Buddhist thrive for inner peace, kindness and unselfishness wisdom through their daily practice. Their ultimate goal is to live pure and lasting happiness for all living beings. Buddhism is a purposeful journey on the path towards a rise above suffering. The word Buddha …show more content…

Their way of life is built around meditation which is how they develop peaceful and positive mental states or “virtuous minds”. By meditation one can transform their mind from its present confused and self-centered state and into the calm and happy state of mind of the Buddha. They also believe in rebirth. When a person dies, they are “reborn”, the body may die but the energies do not. The energies take some other form of life and this process of death and rebirth will continue until Nirvana is reached. ”The mind is neither physical, nor a by-product of purely physical processes, but a formless continuum that is a separate entity from the body.” Karma is another aspect that is believed in this religion. Karma is not fate, but simply action and reaction, cause and effect. If you have bad thoughts, you will experience bad actions. Whatever you do to another will be done to you. Every action we perform leaves an imprint or potential on our mind. If you have good karma when you die, you will be reborn as a human or a god; but if you have bad karma, you will be reborn as an animal or a hell …show more content…

The name of the religion means “learner”. Sikhism goal is to build a close and loving relationship with God, through repeated prayers multiple times each day and by living an exemplary life. This can only be accomplished by following the teachings of the 10 gurus, meditation on the Holy Name and performances of acts of service and charity. Sikhism preaches a message of devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality of mankind and denounces superstitions and blind rituals. They believe everyone is equal in the eyes of God, however, there is only one God and he is not of human form but has many names. If one can overcome the five cardinal vices in life (lust, anger, greed, pride and worldly attachment) then they will reach salvation. There are five traits that Sikhs must follow to develop positive human qualities: truth, compassion, contentment, be humble and

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