A Class Divided Analysis

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Back in 1968 after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr, Jane Elliot a third-grade teacher in Iowa watched the news reporter speak on the killing of Martin Luther King Jr and Elliot was shocked and appalled that the news reporter couldn’t understand what the black community was going through at the time. Jane Elliot wanted to teach her third grade students back in Iowa about racisms and came up with an exercise to showcase how discrimination and racism can be done within only a couple of days. Over a week Jane Elliot experience showed how friends became enemies and treated each other different because the colour of their eyes. Throughout the experience that Jane Elliot did, it was being recorded and would letter be called, “A Class Divided”. …show more content…

My fourth term I picked was Social Facilitation because in one scene of the movie Jane Elliot was doing a number exercise with the brown eye students and the day before they did horrible but the following day when they were on top and each one of the brown eyes student thrived off each other they improved their scores during the number exercise. The definition of Social Facilitation in my own words would be that when people are in a group they tend to work and do better because they feed off each other’s energy. A personal experience I’ve had with Social Facilitation was when I was learning to drive, when I was alone with my dad I wasn’t do as good as I would like but, once my sisters came into the car with us and started to encourage me I feed off the energy and started driving better than I did when I was alone with my father. My last key term that I had picked was Conformity, I decided on this term because of the fact that throughout the movie people would feed off one another while in group settings when they were the odd group out. Conformity in my own word would be, changing who you are while in a group setting to fit in with others. A time that I experienced with Conformity was when I had to get a job and I had to act a certain way in the group the achieve this

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