If You Have Been In The Minority Group Analysis

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After viewing the film, go to discuss the following questions. Write NO LESS THAN 450 words. (2.5-pt for each question) 1. If you had been in the minority group created by the exercise, what would you have done? What would the logical consequences of such an action have been? Would they be the same for minority group members who react that way in today’s society? Reactions to discrimination and stereotyping would have been the same as the children that were receiving the discrimination. However, the consequences, allowed the children to experience both sides of discrimination as the receiver and the giver; which appeared to change their way of thinking into adulthood. The experience influence the way they treat others that was from other ethnic groups and the teaching their children on how to treat others. Fourteen years later, the town still remain the same even thou Ms. Jameson had integrated the course into the school curriculum. In today’s society, discrimination and stereotyping still exist, however, it is not as obvious as it was then. Society have legalize gay marriages, but it does not stop people emotions in the way they react to gay rights. 2. Participants in this exercise are exposed to discrimination for a short time; relate …show more content…

The children who were being discriminated against took five minutes to complete the flash card; however, the superior group completed the flash cards within two minutes because of the stereotyping. Because of the statement, brown eyed people could not learn brought about insecurities.... Think of a child who had to endure it thru out their elementary years of schooling; they would have learning disabilities, personality conflicts, self-esteem would be low into adulthood. A parallels form today’s society to the attitudes and behaviors of the participants in the exercise is the gay rights and blacks being killed by police in the news. (Mother,

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