A Case Analysis Of Sephora's Digital And Social Media

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1. What do you think of Sephora 's digital and social media efforts as of the fall of 2010? Was it wise in your opinion to create Beauty Talk as a separate social platform to Facebook?
Sephora definitely had a well put together base for an app with strong potential. The idea of trying to expand their company to as many platforms as possible stands out to me the most based on sheer exposure they’re getting. Using an app where their customers can go to give or receive advice, questions, answers, and much more is a great way for consumers to focus solely on Sephora related talk. Although it’s about Sephora, there is much more to the app than just that. This app helps provide the user privacy, if wanted, and since administrators found it hard …show more content…

As previously stated, Sephora using “store window merchandising, 32- page print catalogs sent to a portion of Sephora’s Beauty Insiders three times a year, print advertising in magazines, a few direct mail pieces sent to Beauty Insiders, two major sales/promotions (one in April and one during the holiday season), and free gifts for Beauty Insiders” to grab and keep the consumer. I personally don’t think they could do much more besides what they did for their 2010 mix, having Beauty Talk as an app, and counting social media hits. The one opportunity I could see Sephora striving for is possibly getting customer satisfaction. Even though this is pretty much already a goal because it goes along nearly the same lines as counting Facebook and Twitter …show more content…

If not then you would be ‘out of the loop’ so to speak. The first thing I would do as head of digital marketing for Sephora would definitely make sure we’re connected through Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Furthermore I would try to give out promotions through the various accounts to those who follow and like a certain amount of posts for more exposure. I believe this would be beneficial to Sephora and to show off new products that other companies might not have. I know that Ulta has a lot of the same merchandise as Sephora and just as elegant. From a little bit of research I notice how Ulta uses a lot of promotions and have many forms of exposure to their customers. This would be something that Sephora would need to take attention to and raise the bar in order to remain

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