A Career in Nursing

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The thought of fast paced movement, interaction with people, and being able to help people is what makes nursing sound like and interesting career. Nurses have a lot of responsibility around the hospital. They provide care and make patients feel comfortable. Becoming a nurse has a lot of responsibility to it. The career also needs someone who has good people skills but is also assertive. To become a registered nurse a person can either earn an associate of science in Nursing, which is 2 years of schooling, or an individual can earn a bachelor of science in nursing, which is 4 years of schooling (Discover Nursing). An individual can choose if they want an associate’s degree or a bachelor’s degree, but it is better to have more schooling to be able to find a job. The more education an individual has could mean for higher earnings (Career Cruising). Some of the classes you will have to take in college are anatomy, chemistry, nutrition, psychology, and nursing theory according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nursing is one of the fastest growing occupations in the United States and it is expected to raise 26% between the years of 2010 and 2020 ( Nursing School Programs). There are three different types of nurses; a licenses practical nurse, a licenses vocational nurse, and a registered nurse. The type of nurse a person may want to become can depend of the career they are working towards. In many jobs you can work your way up in the company, and nursing is one of them. My primary source, Jennifer Cord, kept taking schooling after earning her associate’s then earned her bachelor’s degree. After that she then decided to keep going through schooling which lead to her earing her master’s degree and doctorate degree. All togeth... ... middle of paper ... ...hortage. N.p., Web. 25 Nov 2013. . Cord, Jennifer. Personal Interview. 2 Dec 2013. “Emergency Nurse.” Nurses for a Healthier Tomorrow. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec 2013. . Fredrickson, Keville. Opportunities in Nursing. Lincolnwood, Illinois: National Textbook Company, 1983. Print. “How to Become an ER nurse.” Nursing School Programs. N.p., n.d Web. 4 Dec 2013. . Kacen, Alex. Opportunities in Paramedical Careers. Lincolnwood, Illinois: VGM Career Horizons, 1994. Print. “Nurse.” Career Cruising. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Dec 2013. . “Pros and cons of being an ER nurse.” Allnurses.com. N.p., 3 Jul 2007. Web. 4 Dec 2013. “Why be a nurse?” Discover Nursing. N.p, 3 Jan 2013. Web 25 Nov 2013. . “Why Emergency Nursing?” Why Emergency Nursing?. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov 2013. .

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