Should Nurses Be Paid The Same As Doctors Essay

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Nursing is the #1 healthcare job amongst women that goes unnoticed when comparing to a doctor in the field of medicine. Nurses are there when a baby is being born, a child is in need, the ones the military calls on when a soldier is injured, and even alongside people on their deathbed. Yet, they still get treated as though their role/duty is not enough to be equivalent to a doctor’s role in the hospital. Although, the doctor is the muscle of his or her staff nurses are the legs and arms in every situation. Nurses give so much of themselves and time every day to people and get paid not enough. Nurses should be paid the same as doctors because they hold the same level of degrees/knowledge as doctors, they deserve more equality, and they are the backbone a doctor leans on. To become a nurse you have to earn your associate, bachelor, masters, or doctorate degree to be at a higher level. Having one out of …show more content…

Both dentist and orthodontist deal with people’s teeth and perfecting them for a better smile, like both a doctor and nurse deal with patients to make sure that they are as healthy as possible, so why not give a nurse the same pay. Nurses have to document and record down important information from each patient they have throughout the day, then all the doctor has to do is prescribe the medication. Not to mention some of the revolting things a nurse has to do like change the patients pee pad, change the sheets that could have vomit on them, clean the bodily waste from the patient while still trying to hold themselves together. According to a nurse in Cape Town “We work under bad conditions- institutions with no proper security, lack of proper equipment etc. But we always try and do our best to improvise for the benefit of the clients

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