A Brief History of Canada

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Canada was first discovered in the 15th century and was financially and economically supported by Britain. Canada was slowly 'growing up' and becoming less independent from its parents, Britain. Canada received its official independence in 1867, which was a major milestone in Canadian history. Through the years Canada has shown a great deal of responsibility and courage. At the turn of the 20th century, Canada's performance in World War I has allowed it to earn respect and recognition, as a strong nation and not just a British colony. During the period between the 2 world wars, Canada experienced enormous economic growth in the 20's and terrible poverty in the 30s. These drastic ups and downs forced the government to take a more active role in people's lives. Economically Canada boomed in the 1920s with new inventions like automobiles and the tractor. Canadian ties with US became closer because of the technological advancements. Canadian exports increased and Canada became a major trading partner with not only the US, but many other countries as well. In addition, political events such as the King Byng Crisis and the Chanak Affair contributed to the maturity of Canada. Throughout the years Canada has slowly moving farther away from Britain becoming more independent. By the end of the 30's, Canada had experienced politically, economically, and as an independent nation.
Politically, in the period between the wars, Canada had come a long way. During this period many important figures like R.B Bennett and William Lyon Mackenzie King emerged. They contributed to many crucial events that have shaped Canada into the way it is today. Canada's government played a huge role in the lives of the citizens. Also new policies...

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...ied by tumultuous technological advancements and dramatic economic and political highs and lows. Many new inventions like the tractor and the automobile contributed greatly in the economy. The Stock Market was also an important part of the prosperity in Canada as well as the despairs of the Depression. Government involvement in the lives of Canadian citizens was crucial in surviving the Depression. The introduction of women's equality was also briefly shown in politics. Mackenzie was one of the most important leaders for Canada because of his strong belief of independence and autonomy. Events like the Chanak Affair and the Statute of Westminster contributed to Canada's independence. All this happened in just 20 years and was probably the most important time period in Canadian history. Canada failed, learned, and then matured the most in the 1920s and 1930s.

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