9/11 Research Paper

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Sustainment by definition IAW FM 4-0, is the provision of logistics, personnel services, and health service support necessary to maintain operations until mission accomplishment. It’s an integrated process inextricably linked to operations.

Which take me to the Iraq War, not to the actual war but what happened after the drawdown of troops. The intention was to improve the Iraqi Army with billions dollars. But we all know how that went. And like the events of 9/11, we all remember where we were at that exact time, same as the first ISIS attack. I was at Centcom Forward-Jordan (CF-J), watching the news with my blood pressure as high as a kite, but mostly I was harrowed, knowing the amount of time, sweat, blood and bullets spend by me and my brothers and sisters in arms. The actions of the Iraqi troops defending, if we can call it defending, the City of Mosul. The troops fleet the scene like cockroaches when the light is turn on. Without even thinking twice about the millions of dollars left behind on equipment. They were not outnumber neither to say with better equipment than their enemy. Equipment “donated” by the US Army. OUR equipment! Later on, some of those troops join the ISIS group. Proving one more time the Iraqi’s will to fight a smaller force was questionable. The creation of the so called “Sons of Iraq” was a fallacy, group create from the different tribes in Iraq to protect and stablish a democracy. …show more content…

Open the door to let the World know is a cycle that US forces can’t stop. The Army Sustainment in this case turned 180 degrees. It’s simple, for an outsider force to create a unified and effective Iraqi force from a plethora of believes and a disgruntled population was a fool’s idea. Without the present and support of the outsider force became impossible to maintain operations until mission accomplish. We support the wrong

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