The Reason for Going to War

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The Reason for Going to War

Since the beginning of the war on Iraq, over 8243 civilians, 11000

Iraqi soldiers and 642 Coalition soldiers have died. There has not

been one day since a US soldier was killed and since the beginning of

the occupation, 39750 bombs have been dropped and $117 billion dollars

have been spent.

And no weapons of mass destruction have been found.

This was precisely the reason that President George Bush wanted to go

to war over. In his speech to the nation informing them of his

decision, he said, “The people of the United States and our friends

and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that

threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder.”

Saddam Hussein was made President of Iraq in 1979 and he has been

known to have these alleged “weapons of mass destruction” for over a

decade, without using them aggressively against another nation. So why

wait until now to try and stop him? Bush stated that, “coalition

forces have begun striking selected targets of military importance to

undermine Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war”. However, Saddam

Hussein had the “ability” to wage war for a long period of time, so

why was Bush so keen to stop him now?

The main reason that Bush gave was that he wanted to rid Iraq of their

weapons of mass destruction. However, nine other nations all over the

world such as Britain, France and North Korea are also in hold of

weapons of mass destruction, all of whom can use them effectively. So

why not go to war with them? Well Britain and France are known to have

close ties with America, but North Korea on the other hand is seen as

an enemy to the United States....

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...ching, weapons inspectors that were

sent into Iraq by the UN were ordered out, however, in the time that

they were there, they found nothing. And since the end of the war, no

weapons have been found. So was it all for nothing?

Although the coalition forces did manage to capture the “evil

dictator” himself, no weapons have been found and although this has

been good news for the Iraqi people, it has left them in a worse state

than they were before, as many houses, hospitals and buildings have

been destroyed and the loss of civilian life has been great.

So were the coalition forces wrong to go in? Who knows? Good has come

out of it, as now the Iraqi people no longer feel oppressed, however,

it will be a long time before they get back to the country they were

before the economic sanctions were placed on them by the UN.

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