21 By Robert Luketic Essay

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In the movie 21 directed by Robert Luketic, a bright student from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) gets accepted to Harvard Med a lifelong dream of his. He wants a to get a scholarship for a free ride and is asked why he should get the scholarship. He starts to tell his story when the movie starts. He earns over the amount he needs in order to get through Harvard and keeps playing. He gets caught and in return takes a beating. He goes to Las Vegas seventeen times and earns hundreds of thousands of dollars and it was taken away from him more than once actually it was twice. I’m guaranteeing he gets the scholarship by the look of the face of the professor at the end of the movie. The movie 21 is based off of true events, the movie is real but a professor did not have the whole team playing while he took most of the cut. Mickey Rosa was a professor at MIT and his student was Ben Campbell. They were both exceptional 21 players and cheated. Mickey was counting cards way before the team was …show more content…

I like using them though. I feel like if math was just using them it would be amazing, and maybe a little more fun. Permutations and combinations are hard to remember. So a quick way to understand what a permutation is is that it sounds complex and hard. So you need to know the order does matter. For example the name of your friends matter. Alice, Billy, and Zach. Another way the order matters would be Zach, Billy, and Alice. The order does matter for permutations. The order on combinations doesn’t. An example of a permutation: Sara is the CEO of a multi billion dollar company and needs to choose a new president, vice president, and 2 chairmen. She has 15 people who have the qualifications to have these jobs, but only four will be chosen. First you need to know if this is a combination or permutation. Permutation. Seeing how order matters the formula is P(n, k) n!(n-k)! N represents the number of people so 15.

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