19-Year-Old Working At Joe's Sugar Cube Cafe

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David} 19-year-old working at Joe's Sugar Cube Café, forced to work a night shift.

Joe} The boss/owner of the Sugar Cube Café

Jeff} Other employee of the café. He is 23 and lives with his parents. He has worked at the café since 11th grade.

~ "Do I have to?"

"For the last time, yes! Jeff has food poisoning; he can't come in, today."

"Maybe if he learned how to cook, this wouldn’t happen."

"Just work the night, come on."

"Who the hell's coming over here for some coffee at 2 in the morning?! Plus, I've been working for the past 5 days, give me a break!" …show more content…

"Alright, fine..."

"Okay, then. See you at 4, keys are in my office.

What is actually happening/ what is not is up to

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